Poziv na panel na temu: "Potencijal za razvoj i primjenu umjetne inteligencije u Bosni i Hercegovini"

Elektrotehnički fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu poziva sve zainteresovane da prisustvuju panelu na temu "Potencijal za razvoj i primjenu umjetne inteligencije u Bosni i Hercegovini".

Učesnici panela su Ned Lomigora, CEO, 387labs, Haris Bašić, CEO, WiseScore, and prof. dr. Amila Akagić. Panel će moderirati Armin Alijagić, USAID Diaspora Invest Project.

Panelisti će se osvrnuti na trenutno stanje umjetne inteligencije (AI) u BiH i regionu, te izložiti svoj plan i viziju za brže usvajanje umjetne inteligencije. Prezentirat će svoj rad u području umjetne inteligencije u saradnji sa drugim institucijama u Evropi i Sjedinjenim Državama i dati primjere AI aplikacija koje bi se mogle razviti u saradnji između privatnog sektora i akademske zajednice.

Panel će se održati 30.05. (četvrtak) sa početkom u 12h u sali S1. Nakon panela, bit će upriličeno osvježenje u Samsung Lab uz razgovor s učesnicima panela. Panel će se održati na engleskom jeziku.

Ovim putem pozivamo sve zainteresovane da se obavezno registriraju putem registracijske forme: https://forms.gle/8xFYD9wQ2bZKK2oi6.

Broj mjesta je ograničen. Forma je otvorena do 29.5. 16:00.

Panelist biographies:

Ned Lomigora is a founder of 387labs, an AI consulting and development company. 387labs works with clients to identify use cases best suited for AI adoption, and can develop anything from AI proof of concept to a full-scale AI end-to-end solution. The company has engineering centers in Southeastern Europe, and South America, and presence in NYC and Boston. Ned founded Falcon Venture Partners, a VC firm, with seed capital from USAID, with a mandate to invest in tech startups in the Western Balkan countries that are focused on selling into the US market. Ned is a frequent speaker on topics of AI and entrepreneurship, and works closely with other investors to support the startup ecosystems in NYC and Southeastern Europe. Prior to forming 387labs, Ned co-founded a successful outsourcing software firm, and prior to that, he was a member of the founding team in several startups with successful exits. Ned started his career in a software industry working for large, public companies. Ned holds a MS degree from MIT, and BS degree from IIT, both in Mechanical Engineering. While at MIT, Ned came up with an original idea of using RFID technology in telerobotics, where his work was the catalyst to the formation of the Auto-ID Center at MIT, which attracted a significant amount of funding.

Haris Basic is a serial entrepreneur and former music industry executive who began his career in the U.S., where he co-founded a production company serving major Hollywood studios. After venturing in multiple tech start-ups he later transitioned to management consulting, blending creativity with technology. During the early days of open banking, Haris discovered his passion for AI while developing an innovative credit scoring product based on consumer patterns. Currently, he leads a Nordic consultancy specializing in digital transformation for both the public and private sectors, with a strong emphasis on AI and digitalization.

Amila Akagic is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Informatics at the University of Sarajevo. Her research encompasses a broad spectrum of subjects, including Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Image Segmentation, Machine Learning, and Digital Signal Processing. Dr. Akagic earned both her Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Sarajevo in 2006 and 2009, respectively. In 2013, she obtained her Ph.D. from Keio University, Japan. She has been the recipient of several prestigious scholarships, including the Fulbright scholarship and a prominent MEXT scholarship. Dr. Akagic has authored over 50 papers published in esteemed international journals and conferences, demonstrating her significant contributions to the field.