Report of the Commission for the preparation of proposals for the selection of academic staff for the scientific teaching position of associate professor for the scientific field of Telecommunications

In accordance with Article 108, paragraph (2) of the Law on Higher Education ("Official Gazette of Sarajevo Canton", no. 33/17, 35/20, 40/20 and 39/21), the Dean of the University of Sarajevo - Faculty of Electrical Engineering publishes part of the report of the Commission for the preparation of a proposal for the selection of academic staff for the scientific teaching position of associate professor for the scientific field of "Telecommunications", at the Department of Telecommunications (recruitment of one executor in a full-time employment relationship), for the registered candidate:

  • Docent dr. Miralem Mehić, dipl. ing. el.

    The competition in question was published on 05.07.2022. in the daily newspaper "Dnevni avaz" and on the website of the University of Sarajevo and the University of Sarajevo - Faculty of Electrical Engineering.

    The report is published in the part that refers to the fulfillment of the prescribed conditions for selection into the scientific teaching position by the registered candidate.
